Keeping up with the latest in commercial and industrial energy efficiency measures and processes is important. We host and support a variety of in-person and online training opportunities. 联络我们: 208-388-5099 or to learn more or request to be put on the training mailing list.
9 a.m. 到1p.m.
(1221 W. 爱达荷州圣.,博伊西,ID 83702)
The class will introduce general power quality principles and focus on harmonics in power systems. You will learn how certain equipment produces harmonic current and voltage distortion; how that distortion impacts motors, transformers and other power system components; and ways to mitigate the impact of harmonics and extend the life of your equipment. 也, the class will cover the rules and standards that apply to harmonics in power systems and help you understand how these rules and standards apply to your facilities.
有关更多信息,请查看 培训传单. 请在6月10日前报名. 报名请电邮至 上面有你的名字,头衔和公司.
2024年6月4日- 10月4日. 10, 2024
中国银行帮助建筑工程师, maintenance supervisors and others in skilled trades in energy efficient operation of commercial buildings. The Level 1 course is designed for operators with two or more years of experience in building operation and maintenance. The course will broaden participants knowledge of the total building system including topics of energy efficient HVAC systems, 高效照明基础, 室内环境质量, 智能建筑基础知识等等! The training is online and is comprised of 74 hours of material including seven classes, 工作现场项目和开卷测试.
登记参观佤邦 并选择“标准全系列费用”.” hg8868皇冠下载 has a discount code to receive $900 off the BOC courses. 伸出手去 接收折扣代码.
楼宇操作员证书(BOC) Technical Webinar Series
2024年5月15日,9月. 18日,2024年和10月. 16, 2024
12 – 1 p.m. MST
The technical webinar series are for BOC graduates. By completing the webinar and the accompanying quiz, participants will have earned 1.5 points towards maintaining their BOC credential. There are six webinars available throughout the year for one hour session.
登记参观在线研讨会. hg8868皇冠下载 has a $40 discount code on individual webinars. 伸出手去 接收折扣代码.
Fundamentals of 能源 Efficient Building Operations
9月. 2024年10月17日.23, 2024
报名截止日期8月. 28, 2024
The course teaches the basic principles of energy efficiency awareness and practices in commercial buildings. The course will benefit existing facilities personnel who want to understand energy efficiency and building systems, personnel who work in energy and resource conservation management, such as commercial strategic energy managers and resource conservation managers, and those looking to start a career in facilities and energy management. 也, you will gain knowledge to implement immediate low-cost changes that benefit your facility operations.
登记参观佤邦 然后选择“基本原理”.” hg8868皇冠下载 has a discount code to receive $625 off this BOC course. 伸出手去 接收折扣代码.
10月. 2024年1月2日. 30, 2025
报名截止日期为9月. 17, 2024
中国银行帮助建筑工程师, maintenance supervisors and others in skilled trades in energy efficient operation of commercial buildings. The Level 2 course prepares operators to evaluate the operational performance of their buildings with a focus on improving energy efficiency. The course will teach participants how to collect and analyze building data to prepare a building walk-through plan to identify opportunities to improve performance. The training is online and is comprised of 61 hours of material including six classes, 工作现场项目和开卷测试.
登记参观佤邦 并选择“标准全系列费用”.” hg8868皇冠下载 has a discount code to receive $900 off the BOC courses. 伸出手去 接收折扣代码.
Comprehensive lighting training for individuals who work in the commercial/industrial lighting retrofit market. NXT Level帮助个人更好地设计, sell and install advanced retrofit projects to fit their customer’s needs. Individuals and companies who apply may be eligible to earn the NXT Level designation and be listed on NXT级别指定列表. 在线培训涵盖照明概念, 技术, 经济学, 销售技巧, 代码和实用程序. Training takes 8 to 12 hours to complete and can earn you 8 CEUs.
For assistance with a PDF on this page or to request a PDF in an alternate format, 请与客户服务部联系 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151